The Case of the Christmas Sweater

Monday, January 4, 2016

No French post today ; talking about Australian television has me thinking in English!

Over the last few months DH and I rationed the episodes of Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries’ second series, knowing it would be a while before Netflix added the 2015 series. I don’t think I’ve wanted two protagonists to declare their love for each other quite this desperately since Mulder and Scully. I’ve yelled at the television in frustration more than once when either character is being unacceptably obtuse (I embrace Phryne’s independance but my goodness she’s blind to Jack’s sorrowful, longing looks!). Anyway, the last episode of the second series came and went too soon and although I was a bit depressed knowing it would be my last Jack & Phryne adventure for a while, the wardrobe department hit it out of the park and cheered me up. Wool and plush velvet and oh boy, Jack’s dashing sweaters. In a few scenes he’s sporting a light grey or cream shawl collared pullover that even prompted a comment from DH : “What do you call a sweater like this one? It’s cool”.

This was the best screen grab I could find of the sweater.

Before the episode was even over I was browsing Ravelry patterns for sweaters with shawl collars and cabled fronts, trying to gauge if I could possibly knit one in less that 3 weeks for Christmas. Then I soberly remembered that Cape Battersea took me nearly 3 months to complete… and hit the stores instead. I found a slim-fitting, light grey waffle-knit wool shawl-collared cardigan in the men’s department, which I nabbed for myself, and a navy blue stockinette one for DH. There are tackier ways to do his and hers, right? I mean shawl-collars cardis are not snowsuits.

DH in his Christmas sweater. He said "don't post that photo I look dopey".
I strongly disagree.

So while I didn’t knit DH’s Christmas sweater, I DID knit him a nifty hat to match. And I’m obviously biased, but I think he looks pretty darn dashing in both.

The pattern is the clever Bubble Star hat by Misa Erder. I’d initially bought the pattern to knit the pom-pom-topped grey and pink version for myself, but knowing it would be a while until I could I cast on in navy and gold for him instead. The yarn is leftover Americo Yarns wool and silk from my Gulls sweater - such a pleasure to work with a cabled yarn again. I wish it weren’t so pricey, otherwise it would probably be my go-to sweater yarn.

I think the hat really is the perfect amount of slouch and the colorwork detail dresses it up a little. I love it and can’t wait to cast on another. I have the yarn picked-out and ready to go, right after I finish a gansey-style shawl I’ve been writing up as I go along.

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