There are so many amazing things about Ravelry that I’d have a hard time picking my favourite feature. But if you twisted my arm, I’d probably say the ability to rank project search results by “most helpful”. I try to remember that this should be my first step with each new project, before I even cast on a stitch. I remembered to do this (for once!) when I decided to finally try knitting Joëlle Meier Rioux’s sweet little Sundance Make Up Bag. It had been in my queue ever since my Ravelery invite arrived but there was some criticism floating around about the pattern lacking clarity. When ranking Ravelers’ Sundance Bag projects in order of most helpful, the two at the top actually include two complete rewrites of the pattern (woolbear's Vintage Green Purse and gemmington's Sundance Bag. I combined the instructions to knit these three little pouches. The sandy pink is long-discontinued Jaeger Trinity, a blend of 40% Silk, 35% Cotton and 25% Nylon. The blue is a botton baby yarn whose ballbands disappeared long ago, and the grey is leftover Fiddlesticks Silk Sensations from my Battersea tee. I lined each one with quilting cotton and opted to make twisted cord instead of i-cord for the loops, which is a mod I’m likely to repeat with many future projects. So much easier and faster than i-cord!